Tiashoke Farm

Welcome to sprawling Tiashoke Farm, a fourth-generation family dairy farm that boasts a lineage steeped in dedication and passion. Picture this: a humble beginning in the early 1940s with 15 cows. Now fast forward to today as Tiashoke Farm proudly stands as home to a magnificent herd of 1,100 cow, overseen by the dynamic Ziehm Brothers, Brian and Stuart.

Tiashoke Farm not only makes delicious dairy products but also sells sourced meat, cheese, pumpkins, and eggs, all lovingly nurtured on-site.

During the day-to-day, Tiashoke emphasizes cow comfort. At Tiashoke Farm, it's not just a priority; it's a way of life. They have climate-controlled barns where contented cows lounge in comfortable stalls, a testament to the Ziehm Brothers' unwavering commitment to quality.

And the land? Tiashoke Farm treats each acre with respect. With 2,000 acres of corn and hay nourishing their herd, they're on a mission to enhance soil quality through innovative practices like rotational cropping and cover crops.

But wait, let's remember the star of the show: the milk! Fresh from the udders of their cows, Tiashoke Farm's milk finds its way into the hearts and homes of locals through the AgriMark Cooperative, proudly bearing the esteemed Cabot brand. Yes, every sip of Cabot dairy is a toast to the hardworking farmers of Tiashoke Farm!

Are you thinking about visiting the farm? Step into their Farm Store, housed within a historic 200-year-old barn that has been lovingly renovated into a haven of rustic charm and agricultural splendor. Here, amidst antique furnishings and local treasures, you'll find an abundance of farm-fresh delights from Tiashoke and neighboring farmers.

So, whether you're craving dairy's creamy goodness or New York farm-raised meat, Tiashoke Farm is a one-stop shop. Swing by their farm in Schaghticoke, New York, or peruse their online store for a taste of what makes New York dairy the cream of the crop (yes, pun intended). Come experience the magic for yourself at Tiashoke Farm.


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