The Modern-Day Milk Man

In New York's Hudson Valley, where the terrain is abundant with farmland, there's a modern-day milkman whose passion for his craft is as rich as the dairy products he delivers. Meet Kenny Ramos, a driver for Hudson Valley Fresh and a true embodiment of New York Dairy.

Originally from the bustling streets of the Bronx, Kenny moved to the Hudson Valley at the young age of nine. He spent his childhood enjoying the peaceful charm of the Hudson Valley. Since then, he has built a career where he gets to work closely with local agriculture and the community. 

Although the tradition of milkmen wearing white suits while going home to home is long gone. Kenny continues the milk delivery tradition in a modern way by navigating the Northeast in his large truck, delivering several hundred cases of a diverse range of Hudson Valley Fresh products to stores, schools, and hospitals.

For Kenny, milk delivery is way more than just a job. It's a sense of home, a community where everyone, from the dairy farmers to the delivery drivers, is happy to be there. It's a place where his physical health is cared for as well. As he passionately puts it, "This is a job that is rewarding. Some people don't like to go to the gym after work. This feels like you're going to the gym and you're also getting paid to be here." It's a career filled with camaraderie and fulfillment.

Despite the early mornings, Kenny enjoys the various tasks he gets to accomplish throughout the day, from reviewing the paperwork, fulfilling customer orders, and loading the truck to navigating the delivery schedules and witnessing the milk production process. It's a job that demands both physical endurance and mental agility, but for Kenny, it's a labor of love- he finds solace in the rhythm of his routine.

As Kenny delivers through the hills of the Hudson Valley, he carries a spirit of pride, community, and connection, knowing that Hudson Valley Farms truly cares about its production process and the care of its animals. With every delivery, he not only brings milk but also enlightens consumers about its production process, origins, and, best of all, the local freshness of the product.

Watch our spotlight video on Kenny here:


The Pasture-to-Processor Trailblazer


Kriemhild Dairy Farms