4 Common Misconceptions About Dairy Farming

The dairy industry is a billion-dollar industry. It is involved in our daily lives, from the milk we pour on our cereal to the cheese on our pizza (and what New Yorker doesn’t love pizza?). But unless someone grew up on or around farms, it's hard to quantify and understand the hard work, dedication, and care that goes into being a dairy farmer. So let's set the record straight: here are the top four misconceptions about dairy farming.

"Dairy farming is not environmentally sustainable."

Did you know that dairy farming is one of the most sustainable types of animal agriculture? Dairy farmers use technology to reduce their environmental impact and efficiently use water and feed, and dairy organizations allocate significant funds to support the effort to improve their impact.

Many leading dairy states, like New York, consistently work toward diminishing their environmental impact as much as possible. Some initiatives include reducing their carbon footprint and capturing dairy methane to create renewable electricity.

Side note: Did you know the amount of water needed to make a gallon of milk has decreased more than 88% over the last half-century?

"Cows are mistreated on dairy farms."

One of the most common misconceptions about dairy farming is that cows are treated poorly on dairy farms. The truth is, unhappy, unhealthy cows don't produce high-quality dairy! It's in the farmer's best interest to treat their cows in the best way possible to create nutrient-dense, top-tier products.

But beyond the business aspect of it, most dairy farmers inherited their farm from generations of hardworking, knowledgeable dairy farmers who are equally passionate about this industry. They care about cow comfort and health and stay on top of trends in the industry that could make their herd happier and more productive.

"Dairy farmers are responsible for overgrazing and destroying pastureland."

The myth that dairy farmers are responsible for overgrazing and destroying pastureland is another common misconception about the industry. Some people believe dairy farmers are greedy and don't care about their land or the environment, but this couldn't be further from the truth. As a rule, dairy farmers take great care of their animals because they know it's in their best interest to keep them healthy and happy.

If you have ever visited a dairy farm, you know how much time goes into caring for these animals—their herds are like family! The same goes for pastureland: if a farmer wants their cows to be healthy, they must take care of the land. Overgrazing and destroying pastureland wouldn't just be bad for the environment — it would be bad for the farmer, who would have nowhere to graze their cows.

"Dairy is unhealthy for you."

Dairy is a good source of protein, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin A. It's true that many people are lactose intolerant and can't digest dairy products easily. However, if you can digest milk products without issues, there's no reason not to include them in your diet!


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Millbrook Beef and Dairy