Why is Milk Part of School Meals?

Through the years, milk is one food that kids have always had on the menu. There's a reason for this — milk is an excellent source of nutrients. Milk is packed with everything a kid needs to grow, from calcium to vitamin A.

In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of a daily glass of milk for your child and why it has been a part of the school meal for decades.

Milk is a great source of calcium.

Milk is a great calcium source, essential for building strong bones and teeth. Calcium helps your body make new bone tissue, keeps existing bones healthy, and plays a critical role in many other functions.

Calcium is found in milk and other dairy products like cheese and yogurt. Fun fact: It is also found in dark green vegetables like spinach or broccoli.

Milk is a healthy alternative to juice and soda.

Compared to most juices and sodas, milk is the clear winner. It is low in sugar and calories but packed with protein, making it an excellent choice for growing children. Protein helps build muscle tissue throughout the body.

When kids drink milk, they get all nine essential nutrients their bodies need every day: Vitamins A & D, Calcium, Riboflavin (B2), Vitamin B12, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid (B5), Phosphorus, Selenium, and Zinc.

Vitamins A and D help keep the immune system strong.

Milk contains vitamin D, which helps your body absorb calcium. If you're looking for extra sources of vitamin D, this can be found in other dairy products, too.

Milk also provides vitamin A, which, along with vitamin D, helps to keep the immune system working its best. Several medical studies have shown that when children drink milk regularly, they're less likely to get sick than kids who don't drink much milk (or any other dairy products!)

The star of the school meal.

There are many good reasons why milk is still served with school meals. It's a great source of nutrients and protein. Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth, while vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the body.

Milk also provides vitamins A and D, which help keep your child's immune system strong. Milk is low in fat and calories, so it's a healthy choice for kids of all ages — and stay that way!


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