What Do Dairy Cows Eat?

Dairy farming is a challenging and demanding profession that requires a great deal of hard work and dedication. One essential aspect of dairy farming is the management of the herd, which includes the care and feeding of the cows. This blog post will look closely at how dairy farmers manage their herds and explore some fun facts that make these animals even more interesting.

What makes dairy cows unique?

Dairy cows are ruminants, meaning their stomach – or rumen is like a large fermentation vat. As a result, the rumen allows the cows to convert hay and other fibrous feeds into protein-rich milk that humans can use to keep us healthy and productive.

a breakdown of the stomach

A dairy cow’s stomach is divided into four distinct compartments: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. Each division works in unison to aid the cow in its digestion process.

  • THE RUMEN - the largest compartment and acts as a fermentation vat, where microorganisms break down the cow's food. The cow's diet is mainly composed of forages such as grass or hay, fermented in the rumen by microbes, producing volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which are absorbed and used as the cow's primary energy source.

  • THE RETICULUM - also known as the "honeycomb," is where undigested food particles and foreign objects such as metal are trapped.

  • THE OMASUM - also known as the "manyplies," is the third compartment that absorbs water and minerals.

  • THE ABOMASUM - also known as the "true stomach," is similar to the human stomach. Enzymes and acids further break down the remaining particles before sending them to the small intestine for absorption.

a balanced diet

Dairy farmers must provide their cows with a balanced diet, which includes the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, and sufficient fresh water. In many cases, a healthy dairy cow can eat up to 100 pounds of feed and drink up to 50 gallons of water per day. 

While most farmers allow their herds to graze the lands, they supplement their cows' diets with mixed ration feeds.

  • MIXED RATION FEED - a combination of different feed ingredients mixed together to provide the cow with a balanced and nutritious diet. 

The creation of a mixed feed ration is determined by the cows' nutritional requirements, based on factors such as their stage of lactation, body condition, and overall health.

Once the nutritional requirements are established, the next step is to select the ingredients used in the ration.

Common ingredients used in mixed feed rations for dairy cows include:

  • Forages (hay and silage)

  • Grains (corn and barley)

  • Protein sources (soybean and canola)

After the ration is formulated, it is implemented on the farm. Dairy farmers will work with herd nutritionists to ensure that the cows receive the correct amount and highest quality of feed. Farmers also monitor the cows' health and productivity to ensure that the ration works as intended.

Managing a dairy herd is a challenging and demanding task requiring much hard work and dedication. Providing cows with proper care and feeding is crucial in producing high-quality milk safe for consumption. Dairy farming is not just about the physical aspect but also the science behind it, which is essential to ensure the well-being of the cows.


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