Hawthorne Valley Farm🥛

Founded on the principles of biodynamic farming, Hawthorne Valley Farm views their farm as an interconnected organism. Meaning, each component of the organism complements another and plays a role in maintaining a symbiotic relationship with the earth they steward.

Each day, Hawthorne Valley Farm cares for a mixed-breed herd of 65 dairy cows that produce the Organic and Biodynamic® milk for the value-added products they make at their on-farm Creamery, and sell at their on-farm store, NYC greenmarkets, and many local and regional grocery outlets.

But beyond production, Hawthorne Valley - a nonprofit organization with a variety of interconnected initiatives - fosters a space for learning through its association with Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School, the Place-Based Learning Center, and its on-farm apprenticeships, and programming for children and adults. Educating and inspiring the generations about holistic relationships with the land, and sustainability is at the heart of their initiatives.


Stormfield Swiss Farm🥛


Tollgate Farm 🥛