Coon Brothers Farm🥛

Just north of New York City in Dutchess County, you’ll find Coon Brothers Farm, a third-generation dairy farm established in 1953 and now operated by four members of the Coon family.

Cow care and comfort are at the heart of their business, and each day, the Coon family collectively milk 350 cows, producing 22,000 pounds of milk (that's about 2500 gallons daily).

With their farm in such close proximity to the city, Coon Brothers notably ships their fresh-from-the-cow product within three days to the New York City market. So, don't be surprised if a Coon comes up to you at the store and thanks you wholeheartedly for purchasing the product they pour their hearts into.

This is who they are, that is what they do, and they are proud to be New York dairy farmers.


Dykeman Dairy Farm🥛


Stormfield Swiss Farm🥛