How Cornell Helps New York Produce the Highest-Quality Dairy

New York State has a well-deserved reputation for delivering some of the highest-quality dairy products in the country. Behind this success lies the Milk Quality Improvement Program, a collaborative effort between Cornell University and the New York State Dairy Promotion Board. 

At the core of the Milk Quality Improvement Program lies a clear mission—to provide support for New York State dairy farmers and processors. The support helps farmers increase the quality of raw and processed milk and milk products while ensuring the safety and wholesomeness of the final dairy products that reach consumers' tables.

Cornell University is known for its renowned College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, which plays a pivotal role in driving the program's success. With the expertise of the university faculty and researchers, Cornell offers resources and knowledge to farmers of the New York Dairy industry.

So, what exactly does Cornell do that makes New York Dairy different from its competitors?

Develop Breakthrough Research and Innovation

One of the critical contributions Cornell brings to the table is its commitment to cutting-edge research and innovation. The university conducts extensive research on various aspects of dairy production, including animal health, nutrition, genetics, and milk processing techniques. As the industry leader in scientific advancements, Cornell ensures New York dairy producers can access the latest findings and technologies to optimize their operations.

Provide Accessible Training and Education

Cornell takes an active role in providing training and education to New York farmers. They offer workshops, seminars, and extension programs to disseminate best practices and empower industry professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve excellence in dairy production. These efforts help foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the New York Dairy industry.

Maintain Quality Assurance and Monitor The Industry

While research guides farmers' decision-making, Cornell also monitors how these decisions affect livestock, dairy products, and the production process. The university collaborates closely with New York State dairy plants, monitoring the quality of dairy products throughout the production process. Faculty experts analyze raw milk samples, research milk testing methods, and recommend improvements to ensure the highest quality standards are maintained and sustainable.

The partnership between Cornell University and The New York Dairy industry has repeatedly proven that it positively impacts farmers and processors. While maintaining the high-quality products of New York Dairy, the partnership has also resulted in groundbreaking research that has benefitted the industry. Dedication to constant improvement and providing farmers with up-to-date information has made all the difference in making New York Dairy the premiere supplier of dairy goods.


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