Collins Farm and Creamery

In the heart of the countryside of Rome, NY lies Collins Farm and Creamery—a testament to resilience, innovation, and the enduring spirit of family farming. But how did they end up here?

John and Sam Collins, the visionary couple behind the farm, are first-generation farmers who embarked on an unexpected journey during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, facing the harsh realities of the dairy industry, they received a sobering letter from their Dairy Co-Op outlining quotas that threatened their livelihood. Witnessing fellow farmers forced to dump milk added urgency to their decision-making.

Faced with uncertainty, the Collins family saw an opportunity for transformation. They pivoted towards milk processing, believing it could provide stability for themselves and their children, Cody and Charlie. With determination and grit, they developed their brand and partnered with a co-manufacturer to begin bottling their milk for direct sale to consumers.

Renovating an old gazebo on their property into a storefront was just the beginning. The day they raised the open flag and sold their first gallon of milk was a blend of fear and humility. Would their community embrace their vision? The resounding answer was yes. Families rallied around the Collins', showing unwavering support that propelled them forward.

Since that momentous day, Collins Farm and Creamery has flourished. Their products grace the shelves of wholesale accounts across Madison and Oneida County. But amidst their growth, they remain deeply connected to their roots, serving their local community through a charming self-serve store on the farm.

Their commitment to transparency and education is evident in everything they do. From cow to glass, they invite consumers to journey alongside them, demystifying the farming process and fostering a deeper connection to their food. They advocate for all agriculture, recognizing its pivotal role throughout history as the backbone of communities.

For the Collins family, farming isn't just a livelihood; it's a way of life. They cherish the opportunity to raise their children amidst the beauty of the farm, instilling in them the values of hard work and stewardship. As they look towards the future, they see endless possibilities in re-localizing the food system and bridging the gap between farmers and consumers.

At Collins Farm and Creamery, they don't just believe in the future of farming; they embody it. You can view their on-the-farm store hours and contact them directly here.


Clark Dairy Farms


5 Spoke Creamery